Friday, 27 April 2012

Volunteer Recognition at DCS

On Tuesday, April 24 in Hamilton, three of our DCS volunteers received  VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARDS for all they do at Dunnville Christian School. Congratulations to Mrs. April Van Rys (5yrs), Mrs. Nelly DeKlerk (20 years), and Mr. Henry Hessels (15 years).
We are proud of you! Thank you for all you do!

For more information:

Regional Heritage Fair - Wednesday, April 25

The Annual Grand Erie Regional Heritage Fair is where history is celebrated by students in Grades 4-8, sharing their Canadian content history projects. History came alive with the fifty two projects that were judged from seven different schools as well as a number of homeschoolers in the one day event. Throughout the day, workshops were held and displays were being looked at. The school was abuzz with over 300 people participating as display people, judges, volunteers, particiapates, and visitors during the fair and its Open House.  The day ended with a presentation about life during the War of 1812 and then over 40 prizes were awarded among were a number of cash prizes and two trips to Toronto for the two day Provincial Fair in Toronto.

 Fairs begin as hands on classroom projects – students research an area of Canadian history, often of local or family interest, and present their discoveries using the medium of their choice. Students’ original presentations may include table top dioramas, performance pieces, or power point projects.
By looking at our past, we can see that God is a faithful God! By looking at our past, we can also become more appreciative Canadians.

Regional Grand Erie Heritage Fair Planning Committee - 2012
(absent - Mrs. Kamping)

Friday, 20 April 2012

Torchmen Quartet Fundraising Dinner - April 14

Saturday,  we enjoyed our fundraising dinner. The entertainment was excellent, the food was amazing and all had a great time in Christian fellowship!

THANKYOU - The DCS Booster Club would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all who came out to support this dinner. Whether you helped in the kitchen, with donations or enjoyed the food and the entertainment. A total of $11,000 was raised. God is so good!

Friday, 13 April 2012

Hallelujah! We Serve a Risen Lord!

On Thursday, April 5 the JK through Grade 2 led an Easter Assembly.
There was singing, scripture reading and a time of celebration.

Grade 3/4 projects - What can magnets do?

 The students had fun experimenting with magnets.  Here are the projects they made.