Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Skating Program comes to a close....

Time to bid farewell to our fun time at the Dunnville Arena! We had three exciting times to enjoy the ice rink with our friends and families. Thank you to those parents that came to visit us and help tie skates for the primary grades!
These are special times to remember! Everyone had a great time.

DCS Bi-weekly Chapel

Chapels are held every other week. Students are put together in buddy groups to
encourage all ages JK- Grade 8 to experience unity at Dunnville Christian School.
We learn more about Christ in scripture, singing together
and engaging in theme based games.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Hockey Tournament - Feb. 3

On February 3rd - our school along with Jarvis Christian School joined forces to play in the Niagara District Christian School Hockey Tournament.  Our team came in 3rd place! Congratulations!

Friday, 3 February 2012

Lunch Recess Treat!

DCS Students Council plans all sorts of fun activities for the students. On a cold day like today, a treat of HOT CHOCOLATE was served at the Lunch Recess! For only 25 cents students were able to stay warm and enjoy a delicious cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows!


Geography Challenge

The Geography Challenge was held yesterday for Grades 3 - 8.
Students were challenged in their general knowledge.

Junior Winners:
1st - Ashley  (she received a one year magazine subscription to Our Canada.)
2nd - Kristen and Teleah

Senior Winners:
1st - Kristin (she will go to compete in an online provincial competition)
2nd - Lucas and Nathan

Skating Program

What a great way to get some exercise and have FUN! Our skating program runs for 3 weeks.
 (Jan.31, Feb.7 &14)
 Gr.4-8: 1-2pm, JK/SK - Gr.3 2-3pm)
Come on out and enjoy some quality time with our staff and students.

Speech Contest

On Wednesday, January 25 we had our annual Speech Contest. Students in grade 3-8 were previously chosen to represent their class and compete in the school competition. Winners from this level move on to represent our school at the Legion (Branch #142) in Dunnville on Saturday, Feb.25, 2012. There were a variety of speeches to listen to from Abraham Lincoln, Marshville Chocolates and Proud to be a Canadian!

Thank you to our Judges!

Junior Winners
1st: Rachel - grade 5
2nd: Owen - grade 6

Senior Winners
1st: Tyson - grade 7
2nd - Sarah - grade 8

Winners chosen to represent Dunnville Christian School at the upcoming Fine Arts Festival on Wednesday, February 15.
(Sarah, Jessica, Tyson, Dylan)